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Legislative News on Provider Relief Funds and Advocacy for Senate Bill 1239

Nancy D. Hann


LeadingAge PA, in the September 18, 2020 COVID-19 Member Weekly Update, requests advocacy by calling your state senator and urging the senator to support reasonable liability limitations for long-term care providers, outlined in SB 1239. Also, request the senator voice support for senate leadership and Chairwoman Baker.

##Provider Relief Funds

**LeadingAge PA has released the following information about Provider Relief Funds. Stay tuned for additional information when LeadingAge PA will request the need for PARCR members to assist in advocating for additional funds.**

Medicare and Medicaid certified nursing homes began receiving Provider Relief Fund payments Aug. 27 that total roughly $2.5 billion. This is the initial payment from the $5 billion distribution to nursing homes announced in late July. Here is the announcement on the funds from **HHS (Health and Human Services)** .The formula is that each nursing home with 6 beds or more received $10,000 base amount plus $1,450 for each bed.

There was no indication that providers are required to participate in either of the two training programs it has made available and references in the announcement. However, providers who choose to participate in the **Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)** National Nursing Home COVID Action Network, which is based on the Project ECHO pilot, could be eligible for some compensation to cover staff training time.

It remains unclear whether the use of these funds will be limited to infection control efforts. We will follow up when clarification is issued.



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